Broken Britain is collapsing around you.
Many people are asking me how Britain has come to this, mass strikes, thousands dying, millions without heat and food.
Answer is the people voted for it !!!!
They believed in sunlit uplands and unicorns, fairy tales and slogans spouted by millionaire tax avoiders who wanted power and control, so they voted for Brexit and the Tories.
Workers left Britain to go back to Europe, their jobs were never filled, taxes went up, living standards went down, exports and productivity went down, service deliveries went down. Meanwhile energy prices rocketed as did inflation, especially for food much of which is imported. The value of the £ plummeted, mortgages and rents soared. The whole thing is a recipe for disaster.
NOW, if your boss at work run your workplace like the Tories govern, he would be sacked before you lost your job and the business went bust, hopefully. BUT Tories, lie, they cheat, they deny, they are incompetent, they mismanage, they have not got a clue, no morals or empathy either. Tories want power and control. They put protestors down, they will put strikers and picket lines down too. It is all part of their profit and power ideology, where people come last. BUT they pretend they are doing this for the people, for their own good. WORSE they are not held to account by weak feeble opposition political parties, a biased media, which is often no more than mouth pieces for Government propaganda, and an equally corrupt police force, who would rather arrest old men with walking sticks protesting that a crooked politician.
Tories today are right wing , populist, nationalist, fascists, not like the Conservatives of Ted Heath era. They have moved to extremism, can you name one policy that has benefitted the people in 12 years? They say the state cannot fix problems, but the state can clearly cause them. They offer insufficient hand outs to energy bills as if their population were a nation of Oliver Twists. AND that is what they want, workhouses, control, keep the people down trodden, while they soak up the luxuries of public office, living it up. Populism and nationalism is NOT patriotism, it is opposite, else you would all not be in the mess you are in daily, now. The latest is they want to legislate for minimum service levels in public services. Yet through their control and incompetence plus lack of funding, even though taxation is at it’s highest in 70 years, Britain’s public services are already below minimum service levels, 7m waiting for surgery, patients waiting 6 or more hours for an ambulance, then another 6 or more hours waiting for a hospital bed, because of vacancies, lack of staff, resignations, poor pay and 25,000 beds cut. Police recruits are resigning, nurse recruits, doctors, teachers, they are all resigning. “this job is shit, I am not appreciated, I am off”. You cannot fight crime by closing 600 police stations and a third of the courts, making more than 20,000 redundant. You cannot heal the sick with 130,000 vacancies. You can put rail fares up 6%, but you refuse to pay the workers a living wage, whilst you can subsidise the profits of the private foreign companies running the trains and buses.
Some people are still misguided and say vote REFORM, a more ultra right wing political party , and it is right wing politics that is the problem. People do not comprehend the damage they do to themselves and others when they vote for rich politicians who have no idea what it is like to be YOU. People think they too can be rich if they vote for the rich to command and control them. WRONG. You vote for someone who understands and wants to serve his country and countrymen and not get voted so he can have a good life at your expense.
If everyone got that into his head, Britain could be regenerated, but alas apathy and ignorance will prevent all of that. People don’t think they will be run over by a lorry until the lorry hits them and leaves them flat on the tarmac. As long as they are alright, it does not matter what happens to others.
That is why Britain is collapsing around your ears.