Britain needs change: A People’s Parliament is what Britain needs.
Winning Yesterday’s Vote of Confidence in his own government just demonstrates the sham of Government and Parliament in Britain 2022.
The Tories who voted for Boris to be out hitherto, now realise that if they voted the same there would have to be a general election, which they would lose, and hence they u turned. Principles count for nothing it seems.
Johnson abused protocol and Parliamentary procedures, once again.
Rules do not apply to him.
For 3 years I have been bashing Boris on Facebook. 4 Groups have been created over those years to cope with the avalanche of the ways and means Johnson has destroyed Britain. Membership has grown from 1 (me) to 17,000, and grow daily.
As a former TV Current Affairs Producer /Director even Deputy Editor, it is easier for me than for most to edit, research, and publish information daily on these groups. I am retired, have more time on my hands these days than when I was working, but still have the knowledge and expertise to be creative and informative on Facebook. I try to run these groups as I made TV programmes and factual documentaries.
Except, I am now alone, I have no paid staff helping me, only eager volunteers, some more eager than others, some with more time available than others, understandably. My work rate has always been well above average since I was a child in infants school compared to those around me. That is me and always has been.
However, I despair of my country and it’s citizens, who quite bluntly voted for all the mess their lives are in now, and condemned others to the same fate.
In addition to the Boris Johnson Nationalist Fascist Party, which will remain after Johnson has gone September 5th, we have weak and quiet opposition. I like some of the opposition MPs, SNP, Labour, Green and Lib Dem, even Tory Tobias Ellwood who Boris has kicked out of his party this morning. BUT they are too quiet, and I do not agree with Starmer AT ALL on his policies. Not at all. AND 90% of all MPS have their own agenda and not necessarily your agenda.
The People 1st Party Facebook Group was created when Starmer voted for Brexit. It is a proud remainer party that forms the basis of bringing prosperity back to Britain and restoring public services, in addition to outlawing corruption.
There are those that asked if the Group was a real political party. The truth is the intention was to become one but I am not a one man all singing all dancing band.
The truth is I don’t mind leading, I have done it for most of my life at work and play, and not much time for rest, but I am just me. A leader can only lead if others are behind him, alongside him and significant numbers, size matters.
So lets look at the 17,000 members across the groups and how many have stayed the course and distance? Not many. 17,000 sounds good looks good , but active membership is more like 5,000. Passive membership is worthless. It is the same for all groups on Facebook, it is human nature. Group approval for my groups now includes the question will you remain active? It maybe a question of time not permitting, busy lives, more important things to do, ill health, or apathy, a good idea at the time, and enthusiasm wanes.
That is another reason why Britain is in the mess it is in : all hot air, enthusiasm wanes. Commitment???, well err err errr, dedication?? well err err……... Resolve?? Well err err err………
So, where do we go from here ???
I know there is a handful of you that want to form a new political party and register with the Electoral Commission for £150. I am prepared to put my money ( I am not rich) where my mouth is.
I know others have suggested a Zoom call.
At this moment in leadership contest time, despite the new PM having no mandate and only a 3 year old manifesto of totally broken pledges, there may not be a general election till 2024.
That gives us 2 years to prepare.
I suggest from now until September 5th we reflect and recruit, and we meet on Zoom shortly after September 5th.
Those of you that want to raise a new banner, a new flag, become a true patriot, I suggest you join The People 1st Group Page
Please Follow, post, share, comment , leave details.
Facebook is popular (44m UK users, each with 338 friends on average) BUT it is not reader friendly, too many posts go unnoticed, unread, unshared. We can muster, pro temp, those that are prepared to stand up to be counted and maybe we form a Whats app or Telegram Group later or another FB Group and I am on Twitter too we also have a website. The Facebook Page has not been used much, after Facebook changed all the rules on managing pages and groups, so it is the perfect existing place to create this new forum.
Remember many have tried forming political parties past and present and the problems they all face is resolve, numbers, and finance. We will be outgunned and outnumbered, but we have right on our side.
Other Groups have tried to collaborate, but fall at the first hurdles. They cannot agree a path, egos get in the way of direction, they are not dynamic enough, people come and go. Time is precious and not to be wasted time.
The People 1st party will need People 1st and foremost.
WE will need printers that work for as little as possible in pay.
WE will need a core team of dedicated think tank creative members.
WE will need background supporters willing to recruit, hand out leaflets, knock on doors, share on social media, write letters to local newspapers.
WE would need up to 650 local candidates, forget Town Halls, we have to go route 1. We are not going to field 650 candidates, but we have to try.
WE will need donations.
WE will need a communications expert, a secretary , a treasurer, a bank account, a constitution, we have a leader that’s me. WE will need a registered office address in UK. We will need an email mailing list. Ideally we would need a figurehead, but not a take over bid. Else we do it like the name on the tin says, the people by the people.
WE will need publicity, a machine, big time. Starting with non main stream.
WE will need People willing at local level to serve a People’s Parliament and commit to the big picture.
WE will need commitment, determination, dedication, loyalty. Time is precious we will have no time for other groups other to make them aware of US.
WE will need front men and women and background support.
WE will need the next generation, a Youth 1st.
WE will need families joining committed to the cause, colleagues at work, and friends and neighbours.
WE will need to work as one and kick the ball in the same direction.
WE will probably need lots more to come and more after that.
YOU could be part of a quiet, peaceful revolution.
YOU could be part of a better future for your children and their children. IT is ALL possible, please try to help make it PROBABLE.
Britain is in the worst mess since World War 2. The Tories have failed Britain for 12 years. Like Climate Change the process of destruction is accelerating. Where is the silent opposition? Where are the policies to revive the fortunes , hopes and aspirations of the British people?
A People’s Parliament is what Britain needs.
Let’s Do It !!!
Thank You. Allan Sharpe
Group Founder