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What did you do when Britain was being trashed by the Tories?

Writer's picture: Allan SharpeAllan Sharpe

Allan Sharpe...Key Elements of Manifesto:

A chance to be part of a new beginning

I set this People 1st Group up when Keir Starmer and Labour voted for Boris Johnson’s Brexit. I wanted to see if it could attract like minded people in sizeable numbers. I wanted to try to offer an alternative Political Party, not based on self and vested interests , but where the People 1st MPs were representative of the people, a People’s Parliament. 16 million (1 in 3 ) of the electorate did not vote at all in the last General Election 2019. There has to be a reason for turnouts of no higher than 75% and as low as 30%. A lot of People think Politicians are all the same, all useless, all out of touch, voting will not change anything, so they don’t bother. In my view these people are not wrong, but the cause of their opinions is unacceptable in a so called democratic society. Things should change. There has to be a reform of Parliament and that will not happen from outside, only from within. I wrote out a Manifesto as I saw it. Then I waited to see if the group would take off. Some people have asked me if the Group is really a Political Party. Starmer’s announcement yesterday that Labour are backing Brexit and intend to fix the unfixable, is unacceptable to me. So it has re kindled my hopes and dreams of providing an alternative to the 2 failed major political parties, who quite frankly have caused all this mess themselves. There are isolated Conservative MPs like Tobias Elwood, and a handful of Labour MPs that I find acceptable. BUT Johnson and Starmer and Corbyn I find unacceptable because of their stance on Brexit, which is killing the British economy and your standard of living. The biggest calamity to hit a country in peace time and it was self inflicted by deception and corruption . It is not logical to NOT REVERSE Brexit. So it costs £150 to register a new political party. Not a large sum, I would pay that. But I am not a one man band. No political party is a one man band. We would need a committee and we would need donations from signed up members, we would need members dedicated to a cause to give hope to future generations. THIS IS A BIG DEAL. So, I need to look over my shoulder and see if there is support before I apply to the Electoral Commission “Your new party application will need to include: • your completed application form • a copy of your party’s constitution • a copy of your party’s financial scheme that has been adopted by the party • a non-refundable application fee of £150. If you send the payment by cheque please make the payment to ‘The Electoral Commission’ Your completed form will include: • your party name • descriptions and emblems if you choose to apply to register any • your party’s headquarter address and contact information • where you intend to contest elections, for example in Great Britain or Northern Ireland You will also need to complete declarations on that form by the party officers that: • the party intends to contest elections • the party has processes in place to comply with the rules that govern the election and financial activities of parties. The emblems you submit must be in black and white “ So are you IN or OUT or not bothered. If you are IN, we would need to recruit members , especially younger members. WE would need to put up candidates for the next General Election. I thought of standing against Johnson in Uxbridge , a place I lived and worked a few decades ago. WE would need to stand against all the Current cabinet Ministers and Starmer. If you like this idea, you can comment or direct message me. The next stage after that would be a Zoom Conference call. You will need time available to make the ambitions materialise. As a Party Member of a New Political force you can be in the front row or in the background supporting. WE have to get organised. I cannot see any alternative , yes there is the Lib Dems and the Green Party, but why not the People 1st Party? Why Not indeed. Allan Sharpe , former BBCTV Current Affairs Producer/Director, former law Enforcement Officer.

Welcome to People 1st repeated from Nov 2021 This Group is for those disenchanted with the current politics of the United Kingdom, and want to see a fairer governance of the country. A Governance for the people by the people, free of vested and self interests. A Governance that serves the people and where people come first. WE do not have a conservative party anymore, we have the Boris Johnson Party. WE have a silent opposition. We have to change all of that. We have voices, we have to use them. WE have a country slipping backwards, polluted, poor, divided, rich getting richer, poor getting poorer. WE have no progress. Standards are not just eroded they are being ripped up. Economy is in ruins. Public health slipping backwards. Look at how extinction rebellion protesters are rounded up by the police, and for what, for protesting that Government does not listen to them. WE need to reverse all of that and reform Parliament. The People need to get back control, not the government controlling us . WE are not Labour voting for Brexit, we are in opposition to any political party that does not see the need for radical reform. WE have a manifesto to build a better Britain . WELCOME to The People 1st party A BIG Thank You to Members. 1. We would be nowhere without YOU. 2. I am grateful, not only for you joining , but your participation, in particular your post submissions and your SHARING. 3. SHARING is vital to get our message out there into the real world, to spread our message and recruit more voices, more keyboards and more touch screens so further spreading the truth the facts, the evidence, in order to counter the GIANT Tory funded propaganda machine and the worse that worseminster presents. YOU have to be a salesman. YOU have to sell the Group to your friends and family, you will need enthusiasm, dedication, commitment, drive, and resolve. ********************** WE are 3 Groups in all a) Stop Boris Stop the Destruction of Britain is single purpose. Founded on the 24th July 2019, when Chaos emerged from Mayhem. Like it says on the tin, we need to Stop Boris, pronto. Every day is one too many. Stop Boris exposes the many lies and daily mistakes of this sinister Crime Minister. b) People 1st. After the Destruction, we will need to resolve, unite and repair, build a better Britain, change “worseminster”, renationalise utilities, rejoin EU, make a cleaner, fairer, safer Britain. People 1st has a 15 point draft Manifesto in “Announcements”. People 1st was created when Labour and Lib Dems ditched Remainers. c) Mind over Media. Created May 7th after the Hartlepool father and son interview on BBC TV blamed Labour for 11 years of Tory austerity. Mind over Media aims to counter and expose the Tory Propaganda of the right wing press and their hate and fake stories. The media try to control your mind. Mind over Media aims to highlight and expose the lies of unscrupulous journalists, the news you cannot trust, the news they do not tell you. SO………………….. the 3 groups co exist to cover the past and present, the present and a future, and the lies and brainwashing by the media at present. They cover separate stories but sometimes overlap, especially important events. The 3 groups work side by side, mainly to try to keep good housekeeping and see the wood for the trees. Like your wardrobe at home, not many of you will shove all your clothes into the wardrobe, so you can never find anything. The 3 groups are that wardrobe. There is a 4th Group too Climate Catastrophe, because mankind thought it could abuse Nature’s power instead of harnessing it. This Group predicts an 11 year shelf life. Editorial content: WHEN YOU SUBMIT YOUR POSTS FOR APPROVAL TRY TO FIND THE CORRECT LETTERBOX. IF YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER OF ALL 4 GROUPS, YOUR POST WILL PROBABLY BE READDRESSED (UNLESS IT IS A DUPLICATE) AND YOU WILL NOT SEE IT, RE POSTED IN THE CORRECT PLACE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignorance and Apathy are our enemies, and brought you an incompetent, cheating, lying , corrupt Crime Minster and his sycophant cesspit government. 14m out of a 48m electorate gave you Boris with a mental age of an Etonian Toffee Nosed Twat of 13 and three quarters. 16m did not vote at all, that is one in three people did not vote. WE have to redress that balance. The only way we can redress it is to fight on all fronts. Mud is slung at the Teflon crime minister and he ducks and walks away. WE are here for the long term, this is a long distance matter, you will require, strength, enthusiasm, resolve and determination and a good memory. BUT we can prevail, we will prevail, we have to, there is no alternative but to fight every single day. Do NOT rely on a weak, silent and feeble political opposition, that voted for Brexit for instance, instead of opposing. Unless we do this what future, what opportunities are there for your children and grandchildren?? Johnson is Demolition Man. YOU have to make people sit up, wise up, and rise up. THE LESS YOU DO THE MORE DAMAGE JOHNSON WILL DO. There is a reason for 16m people not voting. They are fed up with Worseminster. The Commons and the Lords are viewed as school classrooms for gown up school children. People 1st wants to offer and alternative, but size matters and we have to grow before we can engage. ***************************** Now for a list of links for you to book mark There are petitions to rid evil at number 10 Clowning St. Do not say petitions are a waste of time. It takes 5 seconds. If we had a few million signatures we could present the petition on the doorstep of number 10, with all the cameras flashing. We ain’t got millions of signatures, so every name counts. Just do it. WE have a website. About 200 plus posts to date , all the important stuff inc, you tube videos. Created for non facebookers, and for ease to wise up to Boris Britain. ALL THE INFO IS FOR YOU TO SHARE or domain: 3 groups , Stop Boris Stop The Destruction of Britain People 1st Mind over Media I post stuff on twitter, but I find it restrictive. WE are also on Me WE because Facebook is not a friendly host. 4th Group: Climate Catastrophe, we do not have a Plan et B Britain is in a mess because people believe a proven serial liar who has no morals, no spine. They will say to you, “never seen that on the news”. Some will never remove ear plugs and blinkers. It is a condemnation to admit WE ARE @ War, Britain is a deeply divided country. BUT I did not start this war of words , we did not start this war, we are reacting, protesting. Boris started all this 5 years ago. I have never agreed to cheats prospering. It has got worse the last 2 years. He has to be stopped, simple as that. We need to build an army to march against him. WE NEED MORE MEMBERS, WE NEED MORE ACTIVITY. MORE REACHES. THIS IS DONE BY SHARING, AND GETTING THE GROUP NAME OUT THERE. Please help me, please help your fellow members, please help your loved ones, please help the bereaved of the needless coronavirus dead, please help those on universal credit, please help those that use food banks, please help those that have lost their businesses, their jobs, please help public sector workers like nurses and doctors, please help your Country. Boris likes a fight, he likes to divide and create hatred, he thrives on it, he is a sociopath, narcissistic, evil. Let’s give him what he wants. Cheers Allan Sharpe, founder, former BBCTV current affairs producer/director Key Elements of Manifesto: to Build a Better Britain that is a beacon for the rest of the world. 1. Re entry into EU. 2. Keeping the Union and the union jack. 3. Creating a Green Revolution, a new industrial revolution to create jobs and exports. Creation of tidal power for this island nation, harnessing nature's power and not abusing it. Together with wind and solar energy provision. The phasing out of petrol and diesel stations, gas and coal. The introduction of Hydrogen power, the elimination of 23million exhaust pipes. EG 7,000 miles of coastline and 2 tides a day every day, wave power electricity. 4.The Cancellation of HS2. The nationalisation of Public Transport road and rail. In addition all utlities , water, gas, electricity to be re nationalised and run for non profit, but effective and efficient services. Free local public transport. 5.The mass building of energy efficient homes at affordable costs, on brown field sites. A rent to buy scheme. More social housing. 6.Education for all, universal standards, university tuition fees reduced. Apprenticeship schemes enhanced. Public Schools like Eton, to be reformed. 7.Taxation of Private schemes offered as alternative to public services. Taxation for excessive profiteering, off shore taxation made illegal. Corporation Tax increased, Business Rates abolished. Millionaire status to be taxed higher. Global Companies operating in UK to be taxed on sales. Review of Capital Gains and Inheritance taxation. The Benefits system will have to be reformed, in particular to those that have not contributed to the state hitherto. 8. NHS to be properly funded, and waiting lists down to 6 weeks maximum, All GP surgeries to become local clinics, linked to chemists, to deal with most illnesses, leaving hospitals to deal with sever cases and accident emergencies. Re Nationalise Private contracted out services. A new Public Health Britain comprised of scientists, medics charged with keeping pandemics from our shores. 9.Law and Order. a) Police numbers to be increased and powers of arrest. Enhanced anti social behaviour and public disorder legislation to be enacted. b) The People's Court, There will be public enquiries into negligence , subversion and corruption in government, referendums and elections. Any evidence obtained will be used against those identified for subsequent criminal trials. Legal action will be retrospective. 10.Information Technology. All households to have access to internet and AI technology. Loans or grants available for transition. Loans or grants also available for energy saving and renewable energy for vehicles and homes. 11.Reform of MPs and Lords expenses and declared interests. Transparency over Govt tenders, Enhanced Powers for Audit Commission. Introduction of Proportional Representation. Reform of Local Authorities. Devolution to regions, vote for over 16s and for all British Passport Holders regardless of residence. 12.Enhanced protection for citizens, consumer, environment, rights. 13.Defence. Greater scrutiny of cyber interference, subversion and threats, terrorism. Maintaining a REAL Airforce, Navy and Army capability. Welfare for ex serviceman. 14.Asylum seekers refugees to be housed in former military barracks, and taught trades, English Language, British history and culture. Then found jobs or community service. Similarly with prisoners and unemployed who will be retrained and found work privately or publicly. 15. The criteria will be the People's voice will be heard, will be listened to, will be acted upon, by the people for the people. Clearly the worse of worsminster is coming out under the Boris Johnson Party regime. Boris Johnson uses and abuses a system that needs radical overhaul and modernisation for the 2020s. Most English people are too arrogant to realise there are lessons to be learned from abroad. They think a cradle of democracy is fine. It is not. Boris Britain cannot be classed as democratic only as a corrupt dictatorship. The whips are now in the headlines, not only for bullying, but even blackmail now. For years I have known people who tried to get into politics to further their aims not personal ambitions, but to do good, only to be thwarted by being told to know your place in the ranks and tow the party line. They were there to make the numbers up, not to think for themselves. Proportional representation at the ballot box is essential. But this whip system and towing the party line has also got be be scrapped if it is not undone by PR. What do people vote for? Well even in local elections, most people vote for the leader of the party not local issues and manifestos. Maybe there should be separate elections to vote for a Prime Minister, as they do the Head of State, the President in republics like France and USA. That would obviate mixed messaging at constituency and local elections, and a truer vote for the person wishing to be elected. There should also be a cap on electoral spending, to encourage ordinary people to step forward for a People’s Town or County Hall and a People’s Parliament. Why do we think rich, privately educated people are best serving our country. They only serve their pockets and put down the ordinary people of this land. They are also unworldly and divorced from the realities of everyday life. With PR we would need boundary changes and larger constituencies else the Commons would have to be extended. Constituencies should in any case follow local government boundaries. Again, as in USA with governors and senate representatives. These proposals and a written constitution should be drawn up and put to the people in a national referendum The written constitution needs to be enforced by a public accountability independent scrutiny committee, that is given wide powers of enforcement and penalties. There would be no 2nd or 3rd jobs. There would be no creative writing of expense claims. There would be a salary based on attendance at the workplace. Absenteeism for no reasonable excuse would be penalised. There would be set holiday leave. Basically like the rest of us have to subscribe to at work. There would be no lobbying. There would be no extra curricula payments. Such breaches or misconduct would mean instant dismissal. There would be no internal groups set up such as 1922 and ERG. The formation of such incestual groups would be banned. Lobbying by external business interests including 55 Tufton Street would be banned. Private education public schools such as Eton would not receive favours or financial subsidies. Representation of the People by the People would be encouraged, and if MPs stepped away from voting promises they would be held to account at their constituencies and forced into an instant re election process. In these ways and other proposals, Britain could go forward in a democratic era, and learn the lessons, from it’s worse trials in recent history.

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2 comentarios

Ivonna Karlikova
Ivonna Karlikova
22 ago 2022

'party politics' pongs of stale, spent, used up energy of historical efforts...see where it has got us now....

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Ivonna Karlikova
Ivonna Karlikova
22 ago 2022

What's in a name - 'party'? How about 'Alliance'?! A 'Cooperative Democratic Green Alliance' ....welcoming all agreed, subtly nuanced views/attitudes, whose aim is in harmony with the rest of the proposed avoid shattering 'party'tions'...?!

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