You really have to have a word with any Tory supporters you know.
Their politicians voted FOR oil companies last night and voted AGAINST the people of Britain.
So next time you have to pay your gas bill, your electricity bill, next time you are at the check out, with your milk, bread, chicken, eggs, and your little one asks for sweets but you cannot afford it, you can visit your neighbourhood tory voters and tell them what you think.
You may be unlucky enough to live in a Tory MP / Council constituency, in which case you can write or email them and tell them what you think about how they clearly do not care about you and your circumstances.
Do not let them fob you off with 5 p off petrol swallowed up almost as soon as Richy Sunak was leaving the Sainsbury's forecourt. Nor the £150 off council tax, nor the £200 pay back loan. They deprived you of £600 last night. £600 would have gone a long way to helping your household budget.
BUT the Tories voted against you, you the people. Let that one sink in .
Never mind the holding of babies, the slogans. Boris is like a second hand car salesman, selling you an MOT failure with a worthless guarantee. And when you take the car back to him, Depiffle gives you a lot of piffle and tells you not interested.
It is all meaningless slogans, Levelling Up, Unleashing Britain's Potential, Living with Covid, Getting on with the Job, Build Back Better, Getting Back Control, Getting Brexit Done........... they all sound good, straight out of the advertising and marketing brochure................. they all mean sod all, NUFFIN, it is all Piffle in the wind.
AND NOW the Tory parliamentarians have the contempt and audacity to vote AGAINST their constituents, their voters, their people. They have watched 193,000 of you die. They are holding up operations for 6m of you. They have raised your taxes, the cost of your food and your petrol, heating and lighting.
How many are going to die next autumn and winter from starvation and cold? From coronavirus when it comes back, from heart attacks and cancer because they cannot get treatment.
AND , all the time the Boris Johnson Party LAUGH at YOU.
Just let that all sink in for a while................................
14 million people less than 1 in 3 of the UK electorate voted for the Boris Johnson Party December 2019.
What were they thinking of................................???
The highest inflation for 40 years, the highest taxes for 70 years, the lowest standard of living since the 1950s.
Last night the Boris Johnson Party voted against a windfall tax on the oil companies who are profiting from high prices causing poverty.
14 million gave their vote to blue politicians who do not want a one off £600 for families to help with energy bills. The same politicians who 3 months ago lowered the rate of a surcharge on banking profits of more than £25 million from 8% to 3% . The same politicians that offered you £150 off council tax and a £200 loan to help cope with unprecedented price rises. The same politicians that took more Nat Ins out of your pay packet.
So when you are in despair about working hard to pay bills, having to go without because you cannot afford it, you can not only thank the Boris Johnson Party, but you can thank all those 14m mindless individuals who voted for a slogan uttered by a proven serial liar.
Some of them you will know. You may want to tell them what your think of them next time your kids say they are hungry.
The Boris Johnson Party want big business to profit at the expense of people in poverty.
Johnson is a walking disaster
Most of the inflation crippling wage packets as well as pensions and benefits is down to Brexit. Decline in exports , Gross Domestic Product, taxation, sales, VAT, all nose diving into recession.
So are the Boris supporters now in retreat, and hiding in a fridge somewhere on sunlit uplands with unicorns?
In conclusion. The Worse Prime Minister in History, Captain Chaos, Mr Incompetence, just thinks the whole thing, including his job, including you the reader, it is all one big joke.
He was always passed the sell by date before he started, his exit is like a library book that is long overdue.
JUST who the FFFFin hell do they think they are, voting against the poor in favour of the rich. Voting for making people suffer while the polluters profits are tax free.
THE TORIES have NO economic policy except Brexit which has added considerably to the cost of living crisis.
THE TORIES have no short term, medium term solution and of course they can say what they like about long term investment, because long term is a long , long way away.
359 Tories deprived you of £600 to help your situation. This is immoral. These MPs are elected to serve YOU, not to kick you when you are down.
These 359 Tory MPS belong in the gutter. They do not serve the public, they serve their pathetic incompetent master.
These 359 Tories are a national DISGRACE