Could I be a worse Prime Minister than a Tory Prime Minister? Let’s face it I think Zoo Keepers could train chimpanzees to do a better job than the last 5 Conservative Prime Ministers and the bunch of mindless sycophant ministers and MPs that came along with them, these last 13 years.
I did not like Margaret Thatcher or John Major, but at least you could credit them with a brain and some kind of intellect.
Cameron scored the biggest own goal, then we were given Mayhem, Blundering Buffoonery, Thick Lizzie now Richy Rishi the richest man in the UK who has no idea what ordinary life is. The ultimate in a long line of living in bubbles with their ill gotten gains. In it for themselves, self servatives that put their interests first, then their party, then their donors and last of all, if at all, the national interest the people’s interests. The consequence of people voting for liars and distorters of the true facts is a Broken Britain, a Tory Trashed Britain. A Britain so Broken it is now collapsing every day and everywhere you look. Privatised services, utilities, the nations assets sold off to foreigners to be run for profit not people and not investment. So the services decline through lack of funding. People get ill, off work, cannot travel, feel it is unsafe to walk the streets and if they do they cannot afford to shop, and if they protest they can now be put in jail. People relying on charity because the Govt has failed them. People who get ill in cold and damp inadequate housing, because they cannot afford better. 100,000 excess deaths per week. Is this anyway to run a country? People are going without. This is Britain 2023 not 1823. But it is exactly how Conservatives want it, the divide between rich and poor, the power and control over the weak and frail, the dependents who are told, know your place. Conservatives are no longer the John Major Party, they have become extreme right wing fanatics, following the same path as the Nazi party in Germany 1930s. Exactly the same. Spreading hatred of foreigners, rubbishing intellectuals, striking workers, anybody who stands in their way. Of course they have state controlled police and state controlled media to aid and abet their power and public order control, their criminality exactly like Germany nearly 100 years ago. This lust for power and control was behind the illegal Brexit referendum, and just like the Arian race the Party convinced the population that isolationism and nationalism was patriotic flag waving. Whereas the truth is Brexshit was economic suicide, leading to higher prices, less staff, fewer exports, and more restrictions on travel. I cannot say one good thing about Tory Rule and Control in the last 13 years. They have put people last while they feathered their own nests and those of their chums all at taxpayers expense. They are grown up juvenile delinquents. The highest taxes, for the worse services and standard of living, while workers and their families suffer to make ends meet. A record debt of £2.7 bn, the interest alone on that debt is enough to finance the country’s defence. Brexit is costing the country £100bn pa. As a result, Britain has fewer soldiers and tanks, fewer teachers, fewer hospital beds, doctors and nurses, fewer social workers, fewer pubs, fewer police officers and police stations, fewer courts, fewer probation officers, lower real wages, highest inflation, highest energy bills, but more lies from Government on a daily basis and their broadcasters. Yet there is an apathetic and ignorant population. Only 2 in 3 vote. Most think the news is too depressing and would rather escape reality and live in fiction and fantasy not fact. It is the People that have brought this decline, by empowering Tory Twats, and god knows when the People will come to their senses. Covid and 200,000 bodies piling high, the 7th worse statistics in a world of 200 nations. A financial forecast that things, as bad as they are, will only get worse. When will the Great British Public (mainly the English) wake up?? As for me being Prime Minister, if only I had the support and financial backing to turn my country around, to renationalise, to rejoin, to reinvest in a greener future, where People come 1st not last. AND most important of all, to see that these current politicians, that have debased my country and it’s people, are sent to jail for Misconduct in Public Office, and get life sentences. Allan Sharpe as seen on Facebook Groups and Twitter