Time 4 a Change in British Politics
I have been writing daily on Facebook and Twitter for 3 years about the decline of Britain. The Image that writing daily is indelibly printed in my mind.
I am a former Current Affairs TV Producer/Director, I have also done law enforcement. I am of the firm belief that Britain needs a new political party, a new political emphasis, a change, an overhaul, a complete reform. So that Britain never slumps into the mess it is in ever again and it’s dramatic decline after 12 years of Tory Rule. The corruption, dishonesty, incompetence and austerity is confined to history lessons.
I owe it to Sir Keir Starmer, this idea, this vision, which is now my mission. When he backed Brexit, I formed a People 1st group. It was obvious to me, that an opposition that sides with the Government to inflict the worst economic suicide in peace time, in the world, just means something has to be done, something has to change.
We have hundreds of protest groups, about Brexit, climate change, government policies, we have unions on strike, we have marches, we have enough is enough, but we do not have a Political Party that supports their views across the board. A Political Party that represents the People 1st, that brings all these single issue subjects under one umbrella, that sees the Big Picture. A Political Party that harnesses public opinion and says Yes WE have had Enough.
Of course the Unions gave birth to the Labour Party a century ago, but now it has lost its roots and many of it’s members. Indeed it has forgotten it’s roots. In the past Labour has often been seen as unelectable.
WE need in Britain 2022, a People 1st Party for the people, by the people, for the benefit of the people 1st.
WE need to scrap self and vested interests, political lobbying, MPs for backhanders not for constituents that voted them into their privileged position, only to view those constituents with contempt. Is it any wonder one in three of the electorate do not vote, they think Westminster is in an out of touch bubble. Many people do not trust politicians and think they are all the same. For my part I believe most of the MPs in the House of Commons and most of the Lords in the House of Lords are not fit for public office. Just a couple of handfuls are worthy of the position they hold. Of course what I am proposing is a daunting challenge.
I see no alternative, I am fed up with 2nd best, voting for someone who is the best of a bad lot. Rather than vote for broken promises, I would rather make those promises which will benefit the people of Britain. A Socialist Party that cares for people, for life, for the planet, for the future, for investment for the British People.
WE have to end profit before people.
WE have to listen and learn from the People, and turn dystopia towards utopia.
WE have to end Capitalism, Neoliberalism, the ERG, 55 Tufton St and other think tanks thinking of the few versus the many.
WE have to end a Taxation system that favours the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us.
WE have to reverse 12 Years of Tory Rule. Completely erase their policies and legislation from existence.
WE have to truly get back control for the people, not for corrupt politicians and their chums.
WE have to rebuild public services, making them cheap, efficient and effective for the people , by the people, for the benefit of the people.
WE have to have a police force whose priorities are for serving the people not cowering to political masters.
WE have to unite the country, end selfishness, encourage compassion, end hatred, division and fascism purporting to be patriotism.
WE have to start somewhere, and now is the time. We have to go out there with our voices, with our message and build. We cannot rebuild the country without support of the people who have to be made to see what we are trying to achieve.
WE have to fight, we may not win, but if we do not fight for what is right, we will not win. WE have to embark on short term, creation, and meet all the Electoral Commission criteria
WE have to build numbers of all ranks, front , middle and back rows. WE Have to aim for medium term objectives, and then longer term ambitions. WE have to be united, determined, resolute.
WE will have to have ambassadors, putting out feelers to protest groups and unions etc. WE will need talent to hold vital posts in the hierarchy, such a secretaries, treasurers, printers, promoters, IT support, regional heads. WE will need many voices to beat the drums, locally and regionally.
In the first instance I do not propose to combat safe seats for opposition parties, but to target Tory Seats. I agree the Tories have to be dumped first. It may be that embryonic political parties, like Gina Miller’s True and Fair Party can merge with us, maybe. All options would be open. Having said that there will be red lines, like Brexit reversal, renationalisation, as well as prosecuting the corrupt Misconduct in Public Office.
People will disagree with US. Just today 2 Facebook Members were removed. One for arguing civil servants cannot run companies. Well they do abroad, and they used to before the Pontius Pilot Tory Ministers sold them off, asset stripping and relinquishing control. The other arguing the case for Brexit, when there is NO CASE AT ALL. Indeed everyone’s favourite Mike Lynch is a Brexiteer with no regrets about telling his thousands of RMT members to vote Leave. Then there will be the hostile press, who only today told you not to drink water and eat mouldy bread. There are 4 newspapers and a certain TV broadcaster, whose advertising would have to be curtailed.
In that respect there are many on Facebook that do not belong to all 4 Groups in the Stable. Arrest Boris Johnson, Stop the Tories Destruction of Britain , Mind over Media and People 1st, each with their own slant and editorially remit. They present a Big Picture. If you are not a member of all 4, 1, Some stories have to be repeated, 2, you miss the big picture.
So my eyes are open. I am trying to open yours. This will be no easy ride. But I want to make history for all the right reasons. I want a better Britain, where the British are proud, hopeful, not down trodden and ashamed.
Question is do you want the status quo, to muddle on, this is as good as it gets, try to feather your own nest and sod the rest,
OR , will you be there along my side or at least a follower? What's it gonna be, yes or no?
Allan Sharpe founder