Editorial: Do you know the difference between right and wrong?
The Conservatives don’t.
What do the Conservatives stand for? Serving the public in Government ? NO.
Conservatism today is about control and retaining power, it is not to serve the country and it’s citizens. It wants public order, getting back control, which means silencing protests. It wants state controlled police and media to keep the population in check, in order. It wants division not unity. It wants to jail protestors and strikers and yet most of it’s members of parliament should be the ones in jail. These so called right honourable gentlemen are more like thugs and hooligans, conmen, cheats, charlatans, rogues, liars, extremists, selfish isolationists, immoral self servatives who are in the job to get personal gain and gratification, plus back handers. They are not public servants, they are not fit for public office.
I used to run BBCTV Watchdog. For 4 years I was Deputy Editor. Before that I had been a criminal law enforcement officer for the Govt. I know what serving the public means. It means listening, acting, responding and trying to resolve problems, not cause them, not ignore them.
Instead this Government for 13 years has put people down, taken away public services and raised taxes, because their hands are in the till. So you pay more now for less, and this is called progress, whereas the truth is this is broken Britain, which after 13 years is now collapsing for all to see, or for those that want to see.
Apathy and ignorance, gullibility gave Britain this Government, made Britain an international laughing stock for self inflicted wounds. What single good thing have the Conservatives done for you and your country in the last 13 years? 200,000 covid bodies piled high the 7th worse statistics in the world. 100,000 excess deaths per week since, because they have purposely run down the health service, calling it unsustainable, whereas the truth is they are making it unsustainable deliberately.
Conservativism today is Pontius Pilot politics. They don’t want to be responsible for anything, they want to sell off their responsibilities and still charge you the same or more in taxation. Meanwhile the services they flog, like asset stripping, get worse and cost more.
Mis management is their overhaul description, they could not organise a piss up in a brewery literally, but they can all get pissed and piss off the likes of me, big time. Every single thing they are responsible for goes pear shaped each and every day.
It is infuriating writing it up on Twitter and Facebook every day, not one story, we are talking plural each and every day. Scandal after scandal, crisis after crisis, it is never ending. 5 Prime Ministers all a waste of space a waste of oxygen alongwith their incredibly untalented Ministers and MPs.
BUT, write it up I must. Someone has to fight back, show them up for what they are and try to counter their propaganda, their lies, their deceit, their distortions of the facts, their cover ups.
This is where you come in, if you are still reading this. WE have to stop the Tories destruction of Britain, we have to put People 1st not last, we have to regain our minds over the media and not be brainwashed. 3 Facebook Groups, 3 visions and missions. 3 Facebook Groups to counter the Conservative strategy, to give the BIG picture the whole picture and not just bits of a jigsaw.
If you are a member of one of these groups you should be a member of all 3 as some of you are. Then you will know the whole picture of what is really going on and how you, your family and friends are being manipulated to your detriment.
Knowledge is power. The People in Power want you to be ignorant of the facts. That way they get in power and remain in power. So the solution is down to YOU. You HAVE TO share stories, information.
Thanks for reading, Allan Sharpe founder of the Groups