"Being a humanitarian means helping people who are suffering and saving lives any time any place in the world. And so humanitarian work requires being responsible, conscious of the circumstances of other people's lives, and helping them on the basis of need, without discrimination.”
Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion, after the son of God was betrayed and left to die. After Pontius Pilate washed his hands of it all.
2022 years later there are significant parallels, not in Jerusalem but in London, in Britain.
Here Alexander Boris Depfeffel Kemal Johnson has betrayed a nation, but is not subject of a crucifixion, civilisation has apparently moved on in those intervening years.
But in 2022 we still have a battle of good versus evil. We have had this battle since 2016 when Johnson 1st appeared on the scene as the main threat to the fabric of British society. His motive, personal gain, not national interest. Evil is currently triumphant over good, because the people not only allow it, many of them want it. Where is British morality and humanity. Has it been dragged into the gutter by a cheat and a charlatan?
Is it now acceptable to say “stuff thy neighbour” instead of “love thy neighbour”. It is now acceptable to lie. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
Yesterday Johnson pronounced a so called “humanitarian” policy to process illegal immigrants fleeing war zones, and give them a one way ticket to central Africa 4,000 miles away, to rot.
This self assessed “humanitarian” , this self described world leader in a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, does not know the meaning of the word.
What does being a humanitarian mean?
"Being a humanitarian means helping people who are suffering and saving lives any time any place in the world. And so humanitarian work requires being responsible, conscious of the circumstances of other people's lives, and helping them on the basis of need, without discrimination.”
Does that definition equate with Alexander Boris DePfeffel Johnson Kemal. I think not.
The Track record of an irresponsible, incompetent proven serial liar, who fails to help people suffering, who fails to save lives, who is not remotely conscious of how people live, who discriminates and divides. A public servant who serves himself, not his public, who Misconducts himself in Public Office.
1. Leading the World regarding the Putin War. He offers 120 armoured cars to combat thousands of Russian tanks, artillery, missiles, and aircraft. Chicken feed. Meanwhile he has for years accepted bribes and donations from Russians, allowed their influence and riches into Britain, allowed a peerage to the son of a former KGB spy. He not only partied with them, he even played tennis with them (badly) for money.
2. He saw an opportunity from people dying in a pandemic to line the pockets of his chums granting them lucrative VIP contracts for failed Personal Protective Equipment. Much of which was not fit for purpose, and taxpayers’ money was thrown away as the products had to be destroyed. He has also wasted valuable tax payers money on fraudulent schemes, vanity projects, and failed economic policies. He has plunged the country into an historic £2.3 trillion recession, and has no money to bail out his people from an energy and cost of living crisis, because he has wasted it all.
3. He has spread variants of coronavirus around the world by maintaining an open door policy.
4. He has watched 1,637 people die of the mild omicron variant in the last 4 days. His advice is live with death as, just like Pontius Pilate he washes his hands of duty of care and responsibility. 190.000 people have now died in total under his watch in 2 years of a failed and flawed public health strategy. Now a non existent health strategy, putting huge strain on the resources of the NHS and ambulance service and record waiting lists of 6.2 million people waiting as long as 4 years for an operation.
5. He partied and celebrated on numerous occasions while people died alone. Their loved ones were refused by his lockdown laws to be at their side in their last hours. He is the 1st Prime Minister in 300 years to be found guilty of a criminal offence along with his staff, wife and cabinet colleagues. Not only did he commit offences, not only did he break his own laws, he denied and lied about the events of 2 years ago, until he was caught. He is just like any other common criminal evading justice and perverting the course of justice. Pleading Not Guilty, when all the evidence shows he is as guilty as hell.
6. He has now announced rejecting refugees fleeing war and persecution. Some of which he has been responsible for like a failed Afghanistan policy, Iraq, Syria. He reduces foreign aid, so perpetuating the struggle of existence of people in foreign lands. He failed at Cop OUT 26 , so preventing drought and famine in poorer countries. Now he will be sending them on a one way ticket to deepest darkest central Africa . Where the agreement is signed, but the accommodation is not yet built. But of course, it fits his mind set of out of sight out of mind. Nothing to see here, move on. He has also erected barriers to Ukrainians fleeing Russian bombardment and war crimes. Just like his trade Barriers he erected to reduce, imports, exports and opportunities.
7. Meanwhile his supporters, a third of whom are social media robots, praise his work, when he daily shows no appetite for detail, substance or hard work. To Johnson work is not serving the public, it is appeasing the few, staying in power, like the despot dictator he truly is. To Johnson work events are parties to have fun, BYOB.
Do any of his sycophants possess one grain of morality? I would suggest not.
Easter is a religious festival of Christian reflection and values. Although Johnson was a born again Catholic to get married for the 3rd time on Catholic premises, he displays no Christian values at all. In fact he has committed so many sins, it is a wonder the Catholic Church has not excommunicated him or publicly denounced him and his record number of food banks.
It is time for people, and organisations, like the Church to disassociate themselves from this Evil incarnate.
The Crime Minster of Britain is destroying his country in treasonable acts. People have to stand up against him and unite.
I spent many working years on David’s side against Goliath, both in law enforcement and in Television. I spent 10 years on BBCTV Watchdog. I was known as Mr Watchdog. If you watched you would have seen my films every other week, because I was the powerhouse of production, turning stories around quickly, quicker than the other 24 production staff. For the last 4 years I was Deputy Editor, until I was stabbed in the back , metaphorically. Those careers taught me compassion and understanding. It was not a job to me, it was a mission. I just happened to get paid for what I did, and the redress and justice I brought to others.
There are many now , who want to take to the streets, enough is enough. BUT there are many who cannot afford to take to the streets. They have no money to heat and eat, yet alone travel to a protest. They have no money to be informed via broadband, social media, ipads and computers. Many are vulnerable, ill, infirmed, old. They cannot take to the streets and they are probably the worse affected.
It is up to US, YOU & ME to be their Voice of reason. Not to create hostilities and play into the hands of an evil despot, and get public opinion against us. No, even though out financed, out gunned, out propagandaed , we have to fight back. If we educate the masses, if we inform the masses, our message will get through. If we unite in a focussed common cause, step by step, we will prevail.
Good has to triumph over Evil. The People of Britain have to be made to open their eyes and ears, to recognise the Evil that is destroying their way of life. It is up to YOU to open their minds, no one else is going to do it for you. It is up to YOU, and you owe it to your children and grandchildren to make a stand.
My Easter message to you: Stop Boris Stop the Destruction of Britain. Just Do IT.
Allan Sharpe founder