Today House of Commons. PMQs
So the Prime Minister apologises but ignores several calls for him to resign. Instead he says wait till Susan Gray’s inquiry to conclude.
Meanwhile his spineless fellow Conservative MPs let him flout the rules and stand behind the worse Prime Minister in British history. A cheat and charlatan, a dishonourable individual who has never obeyed a rule in his life. If you support such morals, such cowardice, what does that make you?
Johnson admits being at his garden party for 25 minutes on May20th and wishes he could have thanked his staff differently. He is guilty, banged to rights. He could not say anything else after the email was leaked inviting Number 10 staff to bring their own bottle and enjoy the good weather. Bring your own booze to work for a work meeting he pretended. Who else takes booze to work and still has a job? How many people were locked down, losing money, losing their business, losing relatives and were legally prevented from saying their last good byes, while he had a jolly good piss up. Well that was exactly it, he was just taking the socially distanced piss.
So the admission he broke the coronavirus laws comes 18 months after the event and only after he had been found out and could not lie his way out of the mess of his own making, once again.
Boris Johnson has no honour, no self respect and is dragging his Conservative Party and Parliament down with him, as the public sees he is in contempt of them. Meanwhile he hides behind the apron screen of a senior civil servant, hoping people will forget.
He says his government has provided the fastest vaccine roll out, and 420,000 new jobs. He does not say 379 more people died of coronavirus yesterday, the single largest daily toll for 11 months. That 174,000 have died in 2 years of a wretched flawed and failed public health strategy. He says his Government has the fastest growing GDP in the G7 countries. He does not say single states in the USA , Texas and California now out perform Britain. He does not say Britain sank to an historic £2.2 trillion recession the worse out of the G7 countries. He does not say there is more sickness and absenteeism from the workplace and schools than ever before because of coronavirus, that businesses are suffering through this and Brexit and Brexodus. He does not say The Boris Johnson Party has brought you higher taxes, higher inflation, a lower quality of life, higher energy bills, shortages of labour, goods and services, with more to come. He does not say child poverty and homelessness are increasing.
He does not say “I will resign”. He must.
The people need to write to their MPs and local newspapers demanding he resigns and is brought to justice forthwith.
Allan Sharpe founder
Peter Stefanovic
· 1h
Boris Johnson’s statement to Parliament on the NO 10’ “bring your own booze” lockdown party was filled with so much bull**** it could fertilize a field!
If you are still in any doubt the Prime Minister is taking the country for fools watch this!
Liar liar liar, drum roll , liar, thats what you are Boris, a liar, nothing more than a pathetic liar
Starmer's MOST SCATHING Insults Ever In Parliament
"the rules were all followed in 10 Downing Street" they said. they all lied, they wanted it all to go away, nothing to see here, like common criminals
Senior Tory MP: 'Things are moving'
By Sam Coates, deputy political editor One senior Tory MP close to the executive of the 1922 Committee tells me that what Boris Johnson can offer at PMQs will be "too little, too late". They added: "Boris Johnson had a chance over Christmas to fix parliamentary handling and Number 10. He did neither. So what can he do." They think that there would have to be "some weeks" before things move further "in order to allow candidates to get their ducks in a row" which could take until the end of February. However, there could be 54 letters going into Sir Graham Brady within days, though "the exact date of any vote doesn't really matter once you've lost half of the parliamentary party". Speaking before PMQs, they said they thought that Mr Johnson's departure was not absolutely certain but said "things are moving".