I wrote to both GLP and Mike Mansfield and scores of others about this. Only Mike Mansfield responded. He was conducting an inquiry, which reported in December about the handling of Coronavirus . He changed the title to Misconduct in Public Office after our email exchanges. The report is with the Met Police. He is pressing them to take action. I have always voiced my concerns about the Met to him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73uE_6zeOqI Misconduct In Public Office #misconductinpublicoffice As #michaelmansfieldqc and the team officially unveil their 'People's Covid Inquiry Report' on 1 December 2021, Michael says a few words prior to its release. You can hear Michael on ITV #GoodMorningBritain from 7am this morning, with the official press release at lunchtime today. #covid19 #peoplescovidinquiryreport # ... www.youtube.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1C02x73PdM You can see that there was not much main stream coverage and interest. Mansfield concentrated on Covid, and in particular the early days and ignoring Alice and Cygnus exercises into a future pandemic 2016. However my case to Good Law Project was about Johnson lies to the House of Commons.
In short I believe there is a conspiracy case to be made against Johnson conspiring with others, namely Hancock and now Javid, but Raab , Gove also and others unknown.
I often took cases for conspiracy, easier to prove and bigger sentence. However as the clock ticks, there could be a multitude of events to substantiate several charges of Gross Misconduct. From the lies of 2016 referendum, 2019 general election. to present day. To Partygate. To Afghanistan. To VIP PPE, which GLP have been interested in. To writing off £bns , to spending millions on failed projects, both public and vanity (ie bridge to NI). Even Brexit itself now costing the country £30bn per annum and more than 47 years of EU membership after just 2 years. I always said GLP was tinkering around the edges with the High Court actions about PPE instead of going for the root cause.
Mansfield has done a Sue Gray he had 70 testimonies. AND as an example on Freedumb Day July 19 , 122 scientists disagreed with the Johnson policy after which 20,000 people died. 30,000 died with the care homes not ringfenced March 2020. April 2021 Johnson let in the Indian Delta Variant. etc etc etc . It is in the public interest to prosecute Johnson, so that justice is seen to be done, for the dead and the still living and suffering. It will also deter a repeat performance by others. You will see from the attached docs I have been trying for a year now.
A private prosecution will need crowd funding donations. IF we demonstrate we have a show on the road and go to the Daily Mirror, DDN, Byline and Huffington, I am sure we can raise the cash. We will need Mansfield to take the case. All this is very radical. People will think it is loopy. BUT there is a case to answer and somebody has to try against all the odds. Misconduct in public office is an offence at common law triable only on indictment. It carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
It is an offence confined to those who are public office holders and is committed when the office holder acts (or fails to act) in a way that constitutes a breach of the duties of that office.
The offence is committed when:
• a public officer acting as such;
• wilfully neglects to perform his duty and/or wilfully misconducts himself;
• to such a degree as to amount to an abuse of the public's trust in the office holder;
•without reasonable excuse or justification.