Johnson: When people come to describe this pandemic to future generations, we’ll tell the story of the heroes of the NHS and social care, of pharmacists, teachers, armed service personnel, shop workers, transport workers, the police and so many others. In the end this was unlike any other struggle in my lifetime, in that our entire population has been engaged, and it’s thanks to all of you therefore that we can continue on our roadmap to freedom. We will meet our targets, offering a first dose to everyone over 50 by the middle of next month, as well as those under 50 who are clinically vulnerable, and offering a first dose of the vaccine to every adult by the end of July. And cautiously but irreversibly, step by step, jab by jab, this country is on the path to reclaiming our freedoms. Allan Sharpe: On the anniversary of the 1st lockdown. When people come to describe the pandemic in Boris Britain to future generations they will tell the story of failed leadership, of indecision and dithering, of too little too late, of a slow knee jerk to scientific advice, of failing to protect wealth and health, of a failed a flawed public health strategy for over a year, with no foresight and no hindsight. They will tell of 126,000 deaths many of them needless. Of 30,00 of which were in care homes after the elderly had been moved out of hospital beds to make room for covid patients. They will talk about more deaths of up to 1820 a day, in the 2nd wave because of allowing Christmas mingling, and bringing the NHS workers to their knees. They will talk of a Chinese epidemic that came to Britain through air travel and now the most common variant in the world is the British Variant, courtesy of Boris´s greatest export. An export not matched by vaccine exports, while the EU have exported 41m vaccines to combat a global pandemic., Boris has exported zero. For while half the adult population may have received one single jab, that is contrary to the manufacturers´ instructions and for which approval was granted. Only 3% of the vaccinated have been vaccinated properly. Tax payers money was wasted on publicity gimmicks like Nightingale hospitals, built by the army to take zero patients because there were not enough nurses to go round. Johnson is accused of misconduct in public office, of cronyism, of corruption on a grand scale handing over taxpayers money to inexperienced chums for PPE and Test and Trace, contracts that also failed to deliver. His lockdowns were confusing and chaotic, as were his 11th hour u turns. As well as the deaths to lives, he has successfully overseen the deaths of industries, jobs and businesses. All in all a total disaster, the 5th worse statistics in the world, where the other 4 countries have larger populations, the worse recession out of the G7 countries, the worse death toll in Europe, including 930 health workers who gave their lives trying to save others´. Health workers who cannot now get a pay rise worthy of their hard endeavours, whilst Johnson can throw tax payers money on Brexit, fishermen, nukes, wallpaper, Tv studios and personal aircraft. He deserves a slow hand clap or more fittingly a trial. Johnson had also scrapped the team monitoring pandemic diseases 6 months before it hit. I leave you with a historic quote by his Health Sec, at the beginning of the pandemic on 23rd January 2020, Matt Hancock told the House of Commons " Coronavirus is of low risk to the UK, which is well prepared, well equipped and world leaders in testing". That says it all.