Allan’s Sunday Soapbox
Another shambolic week in Boris Britain. Boris deliberately creates daily shambles, so that people cannot keep up with his flow of incompetence and gross misconduct, in his wake.
· Boris flies off to Saudi Arabia, cap in hand to get a gallon of petrol, and comes back short measured after a 105 minute meeting and a 13 hour return flight in his private red, blue and white plane. Clearly Boris is not a 5 star performer, lacks the octane for diplomacy.
· While away his Deputy Dawg Dominic Raab lets slip at Question Time, that his Boss is a social animal that likes parties. Well, tell us what we did not know, but it’s nice to have it publicly confirmed in the House of Commons recorded in Hansard.
· So Boris comes back flies off to Blackpool for the Con Men Spring Conference and in a prepared speech compares Brexit breaking away from the richest Trade Block in the world, 21 miles away, to Russian bombing of civilians, theatres, Art Schools, hospitals, and children, in a sovereign country that wants to join the EU. He says it’s the same freedom thinking. It is a pity that the Boris Brain lacks any degree of thought process. One is a War Crime the other is an Economic Crime.
It is leaked that 3 weeks ago, the Crime Minister, at the eve of that Russian invasion of Ukraine, was giving a speech at a Russian Donor Meeting in London. No wonder the scale of decades of back handers for the Tory Party to spend on subversion, propaganda, and lies at the ballot box, has taken the Govt a long while to unravel, and try to come out of backing the wrong horse, squeaky clean. Talk about last minute dot com. He even had to rush away, before the cheque signatures had dried, as the invasion was announced in the middle of his speech. Boris creates his own crisis, calamities, chaos and confusion time and time again, like the Eton retard school boy that never grew up. As ever it was Boris too little too late, failed once again. Boris tried more lies to cover up the truth:- the UK was last when it came to sanctions and humanitarian refugee measures. Boris always behind, waiting for others to follow, then to catch up, like a fat jogger in a marathon. The cheat, hides in a telephone box and comes out when the runners are passing on the home straight, and still cannot get to the finishing line first past the post.
Which comes back to Brexit economic self inflicted suicide. The announcement that exports are still down and the balance of payments is in a worse deficit since before Tony Blair. Boris Brexit deeply divided a nation. 6 years on, the divide shows no sign of healing. At a time when Britain and the world needs unity. When Britain needs allies, it has self isolation and Boris. Boris the laughing stock, joke of the world . Brexit appealed to fascist, flag waving, racists who hate foreigners, and Priti Pathetic Patel is their Evil incarnate Queen. Ironic as a former immigrant herself. BUT in Uganda the British Colonials at the top, told the Asians to run things and the Africans were treated as bottom tier slave workers. That was the hierarchy . That is why Idi Amin kicked out Patel’s parents along with the rest. Britain took them in, but the inbred racism, class structure, never changed.
The Home Office is a shambles. Crime is up, court convictions are down, immigration is up. Policing Priorities are at odds with public opinion. There is no policy only Boris knee jerks. Meanwhile, Boris takes money as a social party animal. Well you do not take money for nothing, and MI6, the CIA and Biden are clearly not happy dealing with a security risk who sits on reports, sweeps them under carpets, so many of them that the carpets now have huge bulges in them like mole hills. Biden is due to meet EU leaders on Thursday, but Boris is still waiting a party invitation. He made a Russian party host with the most, a Lord, and gave him 2 Fleet street papers to control the news. Another of his Tory papers the Torygraph is also taking Russian money.
No wonder after all that foreign influence and asset stripping, Boris finds it hard to change direction. He is corrupt, and maybe a born again catholic for marriage convenience, but as well as being a hypocrite, he has no morals, and no conscience, no empathy , no humanity. There will be no Boris at the confession box, no Priest could live that long. There is only one person that matters to Boris and that is number 1. That is why he surrounds himself with sycophants who tell him what a wonderful leader he is, exactly as Adolf did 90 years ago and as Putin does in Russia today.
To make matters worse, Oliver Dowden gives the clearest indication yet that Boris pledges at Cop Out 26 will be scrapped. Another example of meaningless promises, this time to the World. Britain is used to his broken promises, like his manifesto pledges about no tax rises, like his Brexit pledges that cost of living would be cheaper. The standard of living is now worst for 60 years. If Britain had stayed in the EU 800 crew members of P&O would not have been sacked by a Zoom call 2 days ago. The latest evidence of job losses, businesses going under all because of Boris Brexit and zero benefits. The complete opposite to what he sold to gullible Brexiteers. The EU has also cut taxes on fuel and announcing other measures to help people travelling by car to get to work. BUT Boris , rather than trying to be independent in terms of energy, Boris tries to swap Russian oil and gas for Arab oil and gas, and sell Britain’s assets again to the highest bidders. Just change the dependency. Instead of harnessing nature’s immense power for free energy, Boris has no plans for energy saving, helping people to change from fossil fuel dependency to natural renewable energy.
So Boris does not insulate Britain, does not protect Britain from climate extremes, and floods. Instead allows the privatised water companies to foul the rivers and beaches.
There are 7,000 miles of beaches coastline , that have a power source guaranteed 2 times a day. It is called tides. But Boris Britain has ONE tidal-powered turbine, generating electricity via the grid in Orkney. The Orbital O2 has the capacity to meet the annual electricity demand of 2,000 homes for the next 15 years. ONE in 7,000 miles. Boris said he was all wind, well at last a truth, but wind only provides the electricity grid of Britain on windy days up to 40%. Then there is solar, and geo thermal, and hydrogen fuel cells. But instead Boris wants to un ban fracking and open up new oil and gas fields, instead of thinking ahead and for the future, not only climate change, but to be independent for energy needs . Not dependent on other countries and regimes. Adolf’s army marched south to get the oil for his Panzer tanks in the Caucuses during World War 2, instead of invading Moscow and then get halted at Stalingrad. That was his turning point in a war he was winning, until he made that strategic mistake. The 2 gulf wars were all about oil as was Libya. It is time to end the world’s reliance on oil, before nature takes revenge or we blow ourselves up because of it.
Again Boris short term knee jerks, no long term forward thinking solutions.
The man is incapable. Can you imagine halving the public transport fares so people can use their cars less, save money instead of breaking the bank to fill up? That is what New Zealand has done. The EU has pledged to reduce prices at the pump. Meanwhile Richy Sunak prepares on Wednesday his spring budget, but Britain is in fuel poverty now and it is expected to get worse. New Zealand , an island, like Britain, also led the world on coronavirus control, with a mere 151 deaths in 2 years. 151 is roughly the number of British people that die every DAY, in Boris Britain, Plague Island. 185,000 plus in all. New Zealand had a public health strategy. Britain had Boris/Hancock/Javid, unfortunately for 185,000 families, there was no comparison and Boris Britain needs a bigger commemorative wall. On Friday the Transport Minister Grant Shapps announced travel like you used to. What he did not say was Boris Britain’s greatest export was Coronavirus variants, much to the dismay of the United Nations World Health Organisation. Boris said he leads the world and is proud of his record, but he also said publicly in October 2021, the most important metric was wage growth, not cancer and life expectancy. So hence the NHS has the worse waiting lists for treatment ever at 6 million and counting. Boris does not want you to know about Coronavirus cases rising, hospitalisations rising AGAIN. Privately he said, let the bodies pile high. He does not want you to know any of his gaffs. He wants to SILENCE you, and keep you in the dark. He has most of the media under control. It is mainly through social media you have a chance of getting to know what is really going on, on pages like this where Boris money and favours are NOT accepted, not acceptable. Where eyes are not turned to the blind side.
Boris is a dishonest travelling salesman. Full of blah blah blah for the listening baa baa baa. A pretender, and not even a Great Pretender, more an amateur dramatic who flunks his lines. A man you should not buy a 2nd hand car from, a man who is not fit to be in public office or any job for that matter, Would you like to employ him, have him as your boss, or your son in law??? Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Kemal Johnson is a crook, a cheat, a charlatan. He is corrupt, careless, callous, and chaotic. He should be out of office, charged by the Met Police for Party Gate and indicted by the Sue Gray Report. He should be arrested for the common law offence of Misconduct in Public Office for multiple charges and for conspiring with others to pervert the course of justice. Those offences carry a life sentence.
IF you have got this far, thank you for reading a long and difficult to assemble attack on the worse Prime Minister in history. And that was the week that was, just another week of shambles and incompetence. The End . Next………….Next week’s clown at the circus show, starring the blundering, blustering buffoon, himself. Allan Sharpe founder and former TV Current Affairs Producer/Director.