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Happy Christmas Readers 2022 (if you can).

Writer's picture: Allan SharpeAllan Sharpe

Happy Christmas Readers 2022. The Tories have not banned it yet !!

Difficult times to wish you a very merry Christmas, but I sincerely hope you can spend a few hours with family and friends and find some cheer. My Facebook Groups are now coming up to 4 years of fighting injustice and an evil corrupt government. This a daily task, and never easy, never ending.

For those that have stuck with the groups, participated , contributed all this time, I thank you. WE have less admin after this year. There are faces and names that have come and gone. But I am still here !! These group are not for the faint hearted and reflect the situation in Britain today, the worse and darkest since World War II. Generally people got us into this mess and will not necessarily get us out of it. Apathy with only 2 in 3 voting, allows for one in 3 to believe Government lies broadcasted and published by state media. Ignorance accepts these lies, this propaganda no different to Lord Haw Haw 80 years ago. Ignorance also allows division, the promotion of hatred, and divided the Country falls, as power is assumed by the corrupt, unfit for public office Conservative MPs.

Add in the corrupt police force, as part of the power base of a police state, and you may not have a dictatorship anymore, but you certainly do not have a democracy. It is easy for people to switch off in their minds, even easier than switching off to save on rising energy bills. It is easy for people to relax with fiction rather than face up to and stand up to the facts. To not know or even care what is going on, until it hits them like a 44 tonnes truck. Unfortunately in Britain 2022, there are not enough people prepared to put People 1st and not last, to put People before Profits. There are too many that believe without question what they hear from politicians and read from their controlled media. They do not realise most politicians have their own agenda and their own vested interests. There are people that would rather treat criminal politicians as celebrities and for selfie status rather than see them in jail for their misconduct in public office. There are people who not prepared to hold the Tories to account for destroying their country, their prosperity, their futures and that of their children and grandchildren. BUT, this Christmas there is a time for you the reader to look in the mirror and say I was part of the resistance, I stood up for Truth, for good to fight lies and evil. This Christmas there will be thousands on strike, hundreds of protestors in jail, hundreds of thousands of pensioners, children, single parents and more, going hungry and cold. Millions waiting for their health to improve. BUT not the MPs, not members of the government, not their privileged lobbyists and chums getting back handers paid from the taxpayers pot. How anyone can justify supporting a government that manages public services like the NHS with 130,000 vacancies is beyond by thought process. Public Services are poor because they have not been properly funded, regardless of strikes which is the reaction after so many years of mismanagement. People should have a pride in their work and stand up when others do not give them the tools nor the recognition to do their job. People should not be in jail for protesting against politicians who are not doing their job, are not representing people, but represent the profiteering polluting businesses causing the protests. The Police role in this? Well just as corrupt as their political masters as are the courts. Of course the Government will justify their case by the draconian laws they have passed in their controlled Houses of Parliament telling us that there are independent authorities, which is bunkum, because all these “independent” authorities are appointed by the Government........ more mouthpieces. In Britain 2022, there should not be evictions, hunger and cold, even though the Conservatives want a return to workhouses, and beggars on the smog filled streets. In Britain 2022 there should be clean, green, cheap energy and no food banks, nor warm banks. 2022, a reality of despair, but there is hope. Social Media is not government controlled…..yet. They can have their tens of thousands fake robot accounts, but there are 44 million Facebook Users, some with a mind, some even with a mind of their own. We have not been totally silenced. BUT we have to realise the scale of the task in front of us and band together, unite in the face of aversity, those with power and money, but we too can have influence.

So, I end on a glimmer of a hopeful note. I never thought 5 years ago I would be attacking the British Government and it’s corrupt cohorts every day. People need to see light at the end of a very dark long tunnel. Our Facebook, Twitter groups have to be that beam of light , that torch and you have to carry the torch to your family and friends, to educate and inform and overcome ignorance and apathy. In 2023, you have to invite people to join, remain active, and fight the fight. If people fight it may take a long time to win. They can get rid of PMs and still have to fight. But if they don’t fight they can never win. Allan Sharpe. Group Founder.

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