The Root cause of Britain’s problems - The Masses are far from educated.
There was a male pensioner with a grey woolly hat on, vox popped in Leigh near Manchester last week, on BBC Breakfast who said he “supported Boris , after all he got Brexit done and beat Covid”
1. The BBC should not allow such statements in the interest of balance to go unchecked by the reporter. It only further damages the truth.
2. It shows a lack of education in that 2.7 million are currently suffering from Covid, 200,000 bodies piled high, and Brexit has crucified the economy.
The big picture problem is that a man who clearly voted for Boris and Brexit, is working class and lives in a town that rejected socialism for the first time in 100 years in 2019. Why?
Conservatives do not want the general public to be educated and informed. Education gives the person a sense of reasoning. Education gives them a thirst for knowledge, for facts, and an ability to assess what is true and what is false.
Uneducated people are therefore less inclined to query things, and just accept lies and propaganda, to be fed the narrative, rather than question it. They are gullible, less interested in politics, think MPs are all the same in Westminster. They do not understand politics is food on their table, clean water to drink, clean air to breath, the amount of money in their pockets, and whether they live or die.
It suits Conservatives to remain in POWER if the people are ignorant and apathetic. It means the Tories have more control. Once in the driving seat they can fiddle things to ensure they stay at the wheel. In these leadership contests, with the Tory press picking sides and the contenders and their supporters imitating vultures around the decaying corpse of Boris Johnson, are any of them talking about fixing the cost of living crisis? No. Are any of them addressing the strains on Accident and Emergency and the Ambulance service? No.
Instead they talk about tax cuts, because they think that is all the working man thinks about. Maybe they are right. Maybe the man in Leigh and the other Red Wallers that gave Johnson such a huge majority so he could do as he liked, is not bothered about Fascism, Police State, Climate Change, breaking International Treaties, having corrupt law breakers running the country. Maybe they do not care about replacing Johnson with one of his sycophants who covered up the lies for the last 3 years. Maybe they are secret masochists that want more and a lower standard of living, a bankrupt country. Maybe they do not care about opportunities and freedom for their children.
Maybe they are happy with charity foodbanks, less public services, more private profit over people. The rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer. Maybe they believe in survival of the fittest and have no empathy for the common man, for the common good. They rejected years of socialism as supported by their parents and grandparents, and true values of what is good for the people of this land.
Maybe it does not jolt their minds when Grease Smugg says on Sky Breakfast TV , that “the election of the next leader is a truly democratic process” Unchecked by Kay Burley.
Maybe they do not even know all this because they have not got the thought process to consider it and just accept misinformation and disinformation as their informed opinion. It is an established fact that mainly older, less educated people voted for Johnson and Brexit. The only trouble is, it is only the more educated people that know it and have to suffer because of it.
Allan Sharpe founder of this group