British readers of this post. Do you care that a thousand people a day are dying in your home country ????
If you care, then why are you not trying to do something about it ??????
If you do not care, then you have no empathy like the Prime Minister.
If you do care and you think, well there is nothing I can do anyway, wrong, you can join thousands of people that are doing just that ....................TRYING.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Or you can have no will and watch your countrymen die needlessly because of failed and flawed Government Policies.
If that is your choice then God Help You.
We know that the UK has suffered particularly badly. We know that most countries have done better. We know that some nations – such as New Zealand, Vietnam and South Korea – have avoided a serious hit altogether. But still there is no sign of widespread discontent. In certain polls, the Conservatives still boast a marginal lead.