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Stop Boris Stop the Destruction of Britain CAMPAIGN 1. There is a letter to be sent to the Daily Mirror. IF we can get to 2 million readers, we can achieve much more. 2. There is a petition at to remove Johnson as PM 1600 signatures so far. 3. SHARE: articles, photos, facts, statistics, videos. This is VITAL in spreading our message of TRUTH and also to recruit to OUR CAUSE. 4. NUMBERS - Recruitment: ask your family and friends to join, tell them why. IF they are not interested in politics, tell them it is now a matter of life or death, of bread on the table or poverty, of education and careers or universal credit. We also need the next generation who have most to lose. 5. Our website contains the essential matters and videos and of course can be seen by all including non facebook members in order to share the facts. THIS is a marketing exercise . 200 joined in 2 days recently , because of my activity across facebook and 4,000 reaches in just one day for one of my posts. A Christmas card I made got 22,230 reaches. SO, think BIG. You have a VOICE use it, you have a keyboard or touch screen use it. There are 48 million people in UK eligible to vote. In Dec 2019, 14 million voted Boris Johnson in. 16 million abstained. 10 million voted for Corbyn. There are also 6m ex pats around the world, but for instance, they were not allowed to vote in the 2016 referendum. My plan to Stop Boris Destroying Britain is a war of words not protest marches, which are banned anyway. A war of words where battles are won in debate, in discussion, in telling the facts, in exposing the lies, in pointing out the truth. I cannot do that alone, though I can do a lot of it from the front, but I need Heroes alongside me, as prominent as they wish as active as they can be. Heroes need to help spread the word, the articles the photos. They need to SHARE information countering disinformation, they need to persuade, they need to recruit. They need to be winners . Share and recruit, help with the 5 points of the campaign. Together we CAN make a difference.