Have you ever wondered why Britain is Broken?
Brexit accounts for most of it, and who, just who voted for Brexit in the House of Commons? That's right a UKIP / Tory ideology voted for by Labour as well.
If we were still in the EU, Britain would have been bailed out of covid debt like Spain and Italy were. The NHS would have retained overseas staff. The taxpayer would not be paying £85bn a year on the interest of £2.7 trillion, the same as spent on defence of the realm. Probably less deaths too than the 200,000 Boris's plague island piled up high.
If we were still in the EU, we would not be subject of Gas price hikes, of tax evasion by the rich, of most of the inflation in your basket of goods. We would not have sewage pollution, queues at airports and Dover, a slumping £, roaming charges, shortage of labour, shortages in the shops. We would not be paying £1m an hour for leaving the EU. Our scientists could still work with EU colleagues, children could travel for leisure and education abroad.
So Thanks to the ERG, 55 Tefton St, The Daily Express, Sun, Mail and Telegraph, thanks to Labour, thanks to UKIP and Tory Fascists, thanks to lies, cheating, dishonesty , ignorance and apathy, Russian financial backing...... Britain is Broken.
Have you ever wondered why Britain is Broken?
Blame the Tories, yes they are all bar stewards, yes it's all their fault, bloody fascists. Last 12 years yes dreadful, austerity.
BUT ............. what about 650 MPs, who have a subsidised working existence, on expenses, many have other jobs, many get back handers called donations for thousands of pounds. Many unqualified for their job. Do you think they are in touch with how YOU live? Do you think they listen to YOU, if they get 10 grand from an oil executive?
WHY? Do you think 1 in 3 voters do NOT vote at all.
Why, do you think lies are allowed in Parliament, dishonesty , criminality go unchecked? These are meant to be right honourable members of parliament, if they are right honourable I would hate to think of the right horrible ones.
AND, when they vote in debates, on legislation, do you think, your opinion is considered? If so why are your rivers and beaches polluted for instance?
Do you think in Parliament today People come 1st, or do they come last? Are they even thought about, do they feature at all in the equation?
If you are happy with how parliament has given you a good life, fine so be it. You are fortunate. You are the exception.
IF, however, you are NOT HAPPY, what are you going to do about it, bearing in mind that out of 650 MPs only a handful are fit for public office?
Comments please, shares too. You should climb aboard a new political party interested in People 1st and parliamentary radical reform. You should join today, by saying aye, in comments and staying tuned into this channel.
OR, you could just put up and shut up, choice is yours. And then look in the mirror and tell your kids and grand kids what you did to make their futures brighter !!!