Nine days to go until the school bell goes.
Coronavirus in the UK:
Cases Total 4,163,085 New Cases last 24 hours + 8,523
Total DEAD:122,415, Died in the last 24 hours +345
Active Cases :1,313,204 In ICU: 2,047
This is the data before the calendar of Boris Johnson dates commences. In my view, he is more eager to get off the staring blocks to end lockdown, than he was a year ago to get off the starting blocks and tackle coronavirus.
Countries that preserve lives and economies , health and wealth , act promptly and decisively. Lockdowns are then short and sharp and effective. Boris Britain is the 5th worse performing country in the world after USA 4 times the popn of UK, India 20 times, Brazil 2 times, Russia 3 times, but much worse than Japan 2 times popn and Germany 83m cf to 66m in UK.
If only Johnson was opposed in Parliament as well as in the streets.